Sunday Celebration - 10:45AM
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Redemption, Refuge, Recovery, Restoration, Release


 Pray with us as we journey to Webuye, Kenya - June 5-16, 2017!

 The spreading of the Gospel message to all the world is  unquestionably the mandate of every believer. Whether home or abroad, we at Latter Rain Christian Fellowship take seriously the challenge to give away to others what the Lord has so graciously given to us.  Equipped with message of the Father's love, we are humbled to make known to all we come in contact with that there is a Father in heaven who loves them dearly and wants them to know and receive the Father's loving embrace available to them as His  precious child.                                                                              

God is every much a Healer today as in biblical times and we are regular witnesses to the demonstrations of His power. We are fully committed to representing the King of the kingdom!

Our Sr. Pastor's motto is "If it doesn't profit the kingdom, then it just doesn't profit."

Lord, may an abundance of signs, wonders and miracles follow those who follow you in the sharing of the Good News.

We are reaching out to those of our local ...


Creedmoor Psychiatric Center

Aligned with the universal call of the gospel, the LRCF ARM ("A Right Mind") Team ministers the saving grace, hope and love of God to the institutionalized mentally ill. The power of God is so evident in these times of ministry. In addition to joyous worship times where we sometimes take the residents  by the hand, encouraging them to find release in praise,  every willing individual receives hands-on prayer from the team  before our departure. The presence of the Holy Spirit  penetrating into the deep places of the heart and soul, where mere humans cannot, keeps us pressing in for MORE.

Concluding 20 years onsite, we carry the residents in our hearts and continue to reach in that the Lord may bring out!

ONGOING -  Community "Open Door" and "Open House" outreach expressions of love and mini-health clinics.

and to those...   


 "Lord, send us to the Nations of the world."

  • Pastoral travel missions: Mexico City, Mexico; Moscow, Russia; Dresden, Fritzlar & Hamburg, Germany; Maputo & Pemba, Mozambique, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Team Kenya  - Ministry in Webuye, Garissa and Nairobi, Kenya 
  • Team Germany - Ministry in Hamburg
  • Financial support to Haiti 
  • Return to Pemba, Mozambique  and Johannnesburg, South Africa with the Toronto Catch the Fire Ministry Team 
  • Missions trip to Accra, Ghana 
  • Return to Germany - Fritzlar & Hamburg
  • Provided for the planting of 3 Latter Rain Harvest Gardens in Africa nations (Ghana & Kenya) that enable residents to have nutritious food in continuous abundance!  (

We have an ultimate goal to lend a hand of support and/or help to sponsor missionary efforts in every continent.  

 Asia, Australia - as the Lord directs, we are ON THE WAY!